Sunday Mornings.... 9.30am
Sunday Morning Worship is our main service. With Christ-centered praise and worship, God-inspired preaching and teaching, and a family friendly faith-filled atmosphere that you'll love. Come and fellowship with us this Sunday!
Morning tea is supplied after each service. We don't charge a cent for your coffee or tea or morning tea but seek to be a blessing to you as we fellowship together in Christ.
Morning tea is supplied after each service. We don't charge a cent for your coffee or tea or morning tea but seek to be a blessing to you as we fellowship together in Christ.
Wednesday Evenings.... 7.00pm
Faith Connection Bible Study & Prayer Meeting. On Wednesday nights we go deeper into God's word. With relevant topics and an open-forum study and group discussion, you will discover Biblical truths in a very friendly environment.
These study meetings are a great opportunity to get to know other believers and are a big source of encouragement for us all during the mid-week. We run our studies for 5-6 weeks in a row, and then we pause for a 2-week break. So please check the Church Roster on home page as to when the Study is on.
Venue: Main Church Hall (rear fellowship study room)
Tea / Coffee / Nibblies freely available at our studies
These study meetings are a great opportunity to get to know other believers and are a big source of encouragement for us all during the mid-week. We run our studies for 5-6 weeks in a row, and then we pause for a 2-week break. So please check the Church Roster on home page as to when the Study is on.
Venue: Main Church Hall (rear fellowship study room)
Tea / Coffee / Nibblies freely available at our studies